National Park Week runs through Sunday, April 29. Free entry into national parks, in case that last little bit of money is all that's standing between you and a trip to someplace really cool.
Normally, during fee-free national park days, fees are also waived at other federal lands requiring a visitor's fee. However, I have not come across any press releases about this week being free in the areas covered by the Adventure Pass. Moot point for me, since I have an Adventure Pass, though it expires at the end of the month. I'll have to try to get a day or two more use out of it before having to face my near-yearly dilemma of "America the Beautiful Pass or Adventure Pass?"
Trail write-ups for my dayhiking since 2010. Most of these were near my home in the San Gabriel Valley. However, I spent Fall 2011 living in Murray, Kentucky, so there's a large collection of hikes from Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area (KY and TN), and the drive between LA and KY. I also hike a lot in southern Nevada and southern Utah. Each hike used to be organized by year, but I ran out of pages. I should reorganize, but haven't, yet.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Hike 2012.025 -- Pathfinder Park to Schabarum Park

After going eight days without an actual hike (had some stuff I had to do between Thursday and Sunday), I decided Monday was a MUST hike day. I was considering Chino Hills State Park, but I called during my lunch hour and found out the park was closed. I was surprised the slight drizzle of earlier in the day was enough to shut them down, but then had to pick an alternative. My choice was to try to see if the Schabarum trail went any further east than it appeared (I have previously taken it as far east as Fullerton Road and Pathfinder Road).

I concluded that there was not. A road that does head into the hills is behind a locked gate, with a "No Trespassing" sign out front.
There is a 6/10ths of a mile trail around this park, which is what I walked in search of a longer trail. When none was found, I headed down from the top tier of the park to the lower area, then back west on Pathfinder.

To get to the trailhead, take the Pomona Freeway (CA-60) to Fullerton Road. Go south on Fullerton just about two miles, to Pathfinder Road. I made a left turn at Pathfinder, and turned eventually went into the park entrance, about 1/3 of a mile from the corner. However, if you are interested in hiking, there are also several alternate parking locations off of Fullerton Road, with several alternate trail access points.

Most of the walking I did on Monday would be on the trail map linked here. At the far right end of the map, where the trail intersects with Fullerton, is near where I started. Pathfinder Road is not on that map. The name change from Fullerton to Harbor is also not on the map.
From Pathfinder Park, I headed down to the lower tier of the park, then west on Pathfinder, to my "real" trailhead for the day.

After a brisk climb that puts you above the backyards of folks in Rowland Heights, you keep climbing and trending to the west. Your views are largely confined to the north, however, as you never really reach a ridge to see to the south.

A right turn at the junction would keep you on the Schabarum Trail Extension, and lead you into Schabarum Park. Or, if I were feeling more ambitious and it were earlier, I could head right, then catch the Schabarum Trail westbound and make a very large loop of the day. However, this was an after work hike and I was not dressed to make a serious exertion very comfortable. So, instead, I made a left turn at the bottom of the hill, along a broad dirt road that was, nonetheless, not signed or labeled at the junction.

After 4/10ths of a mile up a fair incline, I reached the junction with the Purple Sage Trail. That's the way I had gone on a previous hike, though I have to admit it did look very different and somewhat unfamiliar when viewed from the opposite direction.

From here, things did look very familiar as I sped down towards my car. The map says it's 1/2 mile to the horse exercise area and parking lot, then 12/100ths of a mile from there to the Nogales trail, then a similar distance to narrow Fullerton Road.

That means about 4.1 miles for my loop from the corner of Pathfinder and Fullerton and back again, 1/2 mile looping around Pathfinder Park, and about 1/2 mile each way between the park and my trailhead, for slightly over 5 miles for the day.
Plenty of mustard and radish are still blooming, though there are probably more seed pods than flowers on the radish. Thistle are still growing. Ladybugs were common on the thistle. I saw one "woolly bugger" on a piece of grass early on my hike. I also saw some lupine, a scattering of morning glory, a moth mullein, and a few other species I didn't know.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Hike 2012.024 -- Smith Mountain

Hiked Sunday, April 15.

Arrived at the trailhead about 15 minutes earlier than last week. Unlike last week, when my car was the first there, there were already about ten vehicles in the lot when I arrived (not counting the 30 or so motorcyclist who were parked at the south end and chatting amongst themselves.

Grabbed my stuff, headed out on the trail, and walked about five minutes up before realizing I forgot to hang my Adventure Pass on my rear view mirror. Hiked back down and hung the permit, then started all over again.

Eventually passed the same patch of desert poppies I saw last week. Because of the cool night, the flowers were all closed up. They weren't nearly as impressive that way, although, by the time I got back, it was warm, the flowers were open, and they were again quite striking.

Reached the saddle about 50 minutes after my second start of the hike. As I noted last time, although the sign says it's three miles to the wilderness boundary, I think it's a bit less than that.

Nonetheless, the combination of being on a peak rather than a ridge and the snow cover over the high country meant the view was much more impressive from here than from there.

Obviously more crowded than last week, but far from being crowded. There was only one point where I was annoyed by someone resting with his group, sitting down and eating lunch essentially on the trail. I had to move down a steep section of trail awkwardly to avoid the possibility of pushing dirt or rock down the trail and on to the slightly clueless hiker.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Hike 2012.023 -- Bailey Canyon Falls and Rubio Canyon to Sam Merrill Trail
Two short and separate hikes today (Saturday, April 14), accumulating to what I figure to be a bit over 3 miles, so I'm counting them as Hike 23 for the year.
No pictures, so I'll keep the post brief and link to other hikes for trailhead information. I was sure I saw my camera in my trunk before I left this morning, but it was not there when I got to the trailhead.
Bailey Canyon Falls is almost always dry, but I figured with the two significant rains in three days, there was a chance water would be flowing over the falls.
Here's a link to my post when the falls were really running. Today, it was just a trickle. My garden host could generate more water than that. ;D Nonetheless, it *was* running.
After this short hike, I headed down to Santa Anita racetrack, paid my $2.75, picked up my "free" beer stein, cashed my $10.60 winning ticket from the Santa Anita Derby (hit a $1 exacta), then headed over to Rubio Canyon.
A picture of the switchbacks that mark the start of the trail out of Rubio Canyon is included as the third picture on this post.
The trailhead I used today is at the junction of Rubio Ridge and Rubio Vista Drive. There are metal containers with photocopied trail maps at the trail head and about 100 yards in from the trailhead.
After hiking maybe 1/10th of a mile, you reach the switchbacks mentioned above. They'll be on your left. I climbed the switchbacks, which were steep, but also among the most well-defined section of the trail today. After the switchbacks, you trail becomes narrow and even steeper, without nearly as much engineering as the lowest stretches. It's easy enough to follow, but it's definitely steep and it'll wear you out pretty quick.
I followed the trail as it began heading up along and towards a ridge. After what was probably less than 1/2 mile (but seemed longer), I heard voices and saw hikers on an obvious trail well above me. Turned out they were on the Sam Merrill.
Just before this ridge trail reaches Sma Merrill, several dead branches were tossed to obscure the trail some what. Stepping over, around, and through the downed branches, I popped out on the trail, about 100 yards before the electrical transmission towers that I consider to be the halfway point between Lake Avenue and Echo Mountain.
I walked under the towers, then turned around and returned the way I came.
On the return, I saw another set of switchbacks that seemed to be heading out of someone's backyard and also headed towards Sam Merrill. Don't know how far that one goes.
Meanwhile, back on the Rubio Canyon side of things, from the perspective of this ridge trail, the SCE right of way trail (an overgrown dirt road) was obvious, sweeping on up the mountain on the other side. The Camp Huntington trails that head up either towards the SCE road or further to the north were also obvious.
No pictures, so I'll keep the post brief and link to other hikes for trailhead information. I was sure I saw my camera in my trunk before I left this morning, but it was not there when I got to the trailhead.
Bailey Canyon Falls is almost always dry, but I figured with the two significant rains in three days, there was a chance water would be flowing over the falls.
Here's a link to my post when the falls were really running. Today, it was just a trickle. My garden host could generate more water than that. ;D Nonetheless, it *was* running.
After this short hike, I headed down to Santa Anita racetrack, paid my $2.75, picked up my "free" beer stein, cashed my $10.60 winning ticket from the Santa Anita Derby (hit a $1 exacta), then headed over to Rubio Canyon.
A picture of the switchbacks that mark the start of the trail out of Rubio Canyon is included as the third picture on this post.
The trailhead I used today is at the junction of Rubio Ridge and Rubio Vista Drive. There are metal containers with photocopied trail maps at the trail head and about 100 yards in from the trailhead.
After hiking maybe 1/10th of a mile, you reach the switchbacks mentioned above. They'll be on your left. I climbed the switchbacks, which were steep, but also among the most well-defined section of the trail today. After the switchbacks, you trail becomes narrow and even steeper, without nearly as much engineering as the lowest stretches. It's easy enough to follow, but it's definitely steep and it'll wear you out pretty quick.
I followed the trail as it began heading up along and towards a ridge. After what was probably less than 1/2 mile (but seemed longer), I heard voices and saw hikers on an obvious trail well above me. Turned out they were on the Sam Merrill.
Just before this ridge trail reaches Sma Merrill, several dead branches were tossed to obscure the trail some what. Stepping over, around, and through the downed branches, I popped out on the trail, about 100 yards before the electrical transmission towers that I consider to be the halfway point between Lake Avenue and Echo Mountain.
I walked under the towers, then turned around and returned the way I came.
On the return, I saw another set of switchbacks that seemed to be heading out of someone's backyard and also headed towards Sam Merrill. Don't know how far that one goes.
Meanwhile, back on the Rubio Canyon side of things, from the perspective of this ridge trail, the SCE right of way trail (an overgrown dirt road) was obvious, sweeping on up the mountain on the other side. The Camp Huntington trails that head up either towards the SCE road or further to the north were also obvious.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Hike 2012.022 -- San Gabriel Canyon to Smith Saddle and North to Jeep Trail

Initially planned on hiking to Smith Mountain. But when I got to the saddle, Smith Mountain looked too steep and far to do in the time allotted. Turns out the thing I actually did was longer and had more vertical gain.

The drive to the trailhead, which I arrived at around 10am, was somewhat slow. The number of cars parked along the road, especially at the San Gabriel River's West Fork confluence with the North Fork, was already looking ridiculous. Folks were wheeling their ice chests and assorted other picnic supplies towards the West Fork road (closed to traffic, but open to bikes, horses, hikers, and picnicers with their rolling ice chests), where they would presumably continue east to find a picturesque spot, and eat. A disappointingly large proportion of these picnicers seem unable to cary out what they bring in, however. The West Fork after a warm weekend is really a sad sight.

So I began my hike.
The sign at the trailhead says its 3 miles to the San Gabriel Wilderness boundary, which is at Smith Saddle.
This trail begins by heading more or less southerly, gaining altitude as it works its way along the canyon wall. Eventually, the trail curves west, into a canyon (Lost Canyon) and runs along the perimeter of several side canyons as it makes its leisurely trip towards Smith Saddle.

During one of my looks back, across Lost Canyon, I saw a couple of fellow hikers, probably a mile behind me. Don't know when they started walking, but obviously it was some time after me.
I also came across a small patch of desert poppies. They're like California poppies, only more yellow. They were an unexpectedly large splash of yellow on the hillside near the trail. Just before the patch, I saw a single poppy, and thought it looked lonely. Didn't realize he had friends right down the trail.
Despite the 3 mile indication to the San Gabriel Wilderness that is posted at the start of the trail, it seems somewhat less than one mile after you pass the 2 mile marker that you reach Smith Saddle. There's a place to tie up your horse, if you had one.

In any event, back to our saddle. The trail towards Smith Mountain looked uncomfortably steep and far given the time I had to hike on Sunday. So I foolishly decided to see where the firebreak heading north would take me.

How do I know going the other way would have been quicker? More about that, later.
In the meantime, I started heading north. In some places, the way was level, but most of the way was very steep, up a slope that had very little traction. I'm figuring it took me at least half an hour to make it up to the final ridge level.
Once there, I encountered a weather station and a jeep trail.

More nice views from up here. The high, rocky, and steep walls that surround Crystal Lake were to my north. Twin Peaks was to the west, and the San Gabriel Canyon and opposing mountains were on the east. To the south was still Smith Mountain, though it seemed clear to me I was now higher than Smith Mountain.

Just before I got back to the saddle, I heard the voices of several hikers, and saw them, just below. I assumed they saw me, but apparently not. Once back on the trail back towards my car, I caught up to the two hikers within about five minutes. They were moving pretty quick, but not quite as quickly as me (because I was running late and needed to get back to town, stop at a grocery store, buy some food, and cook a dish for a family gathering later that afternoon).

Despite my head start, they got back to the saddle about 5 minutes before I did. So I conclude that I could have gotten to the top of Smith Mountain and back faster than I got to the ridge top I selected and back.

I'm estimating I'd estimate at least 7 miles for the day, which wasn't bad.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Hike 2012.021 -- Sturtevant Falls

The parking lot at Chantry Flats fills early on the weekends, so I haven't hiked here in a while. But when I got off work on Tuesday afternoon, I figured it now stayed light long enough for me drive all the way up to Chantry Flat, squeeze in a short hike to Sturtevant Falls, then get back to the car with time to spare. Only question remaining was if the lot would be full when I got there.

I continued down the trail.

Somewhat surprisingly, I then came across a couple with fly rods. The gentleman said there were rainbow trout in there, though most were very small. He insisted he saw a few larger ones, however.

Not many flowers during this walk. Some white ones that I've seen here before, but whose name I do not recall.

Came to Fiddler's Crossing and continued up canyon. Several folks were coming back from the falls.

I saw the fishing couple down below, as well. They were fishing in one of the deeper pools below a check dam. I watched a few moments, mentally critiquing the casting technique of one of them, and saw no fish hook ups.

About four miles for the day. Nice to know there's enough daylight after work to successfully squeeze in a waterfall hike.
Friday, April 6, 2012
HIke 2012.020 -- Rubio Canyon

With the brief but significant downpour over Saturday night, I thought a waterfall hike on Sunday might work out well. Thought about Bailey Canyon, but settled on Rubio Canyon, instead.
Managed to find the trail head without making any wrong turns. Took Altadena Drive (which intersects the Foothill Freeway (I-210) north, past Eaton Canyon. Followed it as it arced to the west, to Tanoble Drive, then made a right. Made a left at Loma Alta. Most of the time I have a lot more trouble finding this stupid road.

Shortly after passing a water tank and a water company facility, the trail drops to the wash level. One trail heads up the east side of the canyon, to some newly-constructed trails. Another crosses the wash, then heads steeply up a narrow and winding trail. It meets the previously-mentioned trail from Rubio Crest and Pleasant Ridge, maybe 1/5 of a mile after that trail started.

The main thing to remember if you're looking for the Rubio Canyon waterfalls is to head down right after you pass the pavilion foundation. The more obvious trail heads up from there towards Echo Mountain. It's much tougher than the Lake Avenue (Sam Merrill) trail, but also lightly traveled, and gives you some nice views back over Rubio Canyon. Along the way, there's also a short but bush-wacky detour can give you a nice view over to Leontine Falls.

When I got there, a couple was walking on up to the top of Ribbon Rock falls. I either never knew, or knew but then forgot, that it's a really pretty straightforward walk up the left side of the Ribbon Rock to get to the top of that one, and to the base of Moss Grotto.

Thalehaha can look Yosemite-esque when the water is flowing strong (as it was last year, and as it is pictured at the top of this post). However, this year, the waterflow (even with the brief but heavy downpour the night before this hike, was still running slow. I got to the overlook just a few minutes too late to watch a couple of rock climbers come down over Thalehaha. They still provided some sense of scale to this massive fall, however.

After my break, I headed east, up towards the trail that would take me towards the base of Leontine Falls. Unfortunately, I missed my turn, and continued several hundred feet higher on the ridge than I needed to. Finally found my way back, and descended the rope-assisted way to near the base. There's a small waterfall in this alcove. There used to be a rope to assist the climb up the next ridge, but that one was gone.

But I wasn't 100% sure. And if I could not get back up the way I came, I knew I'd be stuck, because Leontine Falls would not be far below me, and there was obviously no way I was going to be able to descend THAT. I may try coming back again, with some rope, then see if there isn't a tree I can use to tie that off to and explore this little bit of the canyon below.