So here I am, reading the paper.
Is it my imagination, or have their been an unusually large number of "mountain" rescues, lately? Eaton Canyon seems to be a magnet for them:
Two on Friday.
One on Saturday.
And two more the previous weekend.
Saturday's sounds more serious than Friday's. In fact, one of Friday's sounds almost comical. A guy with a violin? Getting jeered at by fellow hikers? It's not entirely clear, but you figure they must have gone up the cliffs and not just stayed in the canyon.
Anyway. . . .
The only walking I've done this weekend was along Aviation Blvd, near LAX. There was a job fair at a hotel on Century Blvd. They didn't have enough parking, so I did what I've done a few times: Parked at the Aviation Green Line station, and caught a bus up to Century. From the corner of Century and Aviation, it was about 1/2 mile to the hotel. On the way back, I walked to Aviation just in time to see a bus swing south on Aviation. Since the buses only come by every 20 minutes and it's about a mile from Century to the 105, I figured I'd just walk. It was the right decision, as no additional buses heading to the Aviation station passed me before I got back to my car. So two miles of walking in long pants and a dress shirt. . . .
There's another job fair in the area in a few weeks. Next time, I may take public transit the whole way. The new "Silver Line" express bus would take me from El Monte Station to the Green Line Harbor Freeway Station in one shot, mostly along the freeway. It's still about a 50 minute trip. Figure about 30 minutes to get to the El Monte Station and wait for that connection, 20 minutes to wait at the Harbor Freeway Station and catch the train to the Aviation Station, and it's still 100 minutes. Then I'll need to wait for a bus (5-10 minutes) and ride it about five minutes north to get to near the hotel. Nearly two hours, total, each way. Kinda crazy. But, being unemployed, I have the time and might as well do a good deed for the planet. :D
Hollow Rock Peak v Bike Trail O&B - 3/10/25
Hollow Rock Peak
South Peak ridge from Hollow Rock Peak Ridge
South Peak ridge from climb to Hollow Rock Peak Ridge
Starting out on the service RoadHollow...
1 day ago
LOL! That's one tough audience!