After going eight days without an actual hike (had some stuff I had to do between Thursday and Sunday), I decided Monday was a MUST hike day. I was considering Chino Hills State Park, but I called during my lunch hour and found out the park was closed. I was surprised the slight drizzle of earlier in the day was enough to shut them down, but then had to pick an alternative. My choice was to try to see if the Schabarum trail went any further east than it appeared (I have previously taken it as far east as Fullerton Road and Pathfinder Road).

I concluded that there was not. A road that does head into the hills is behind a locked gate, with a "No Trespassing" sign out front.
There is a 6/10ths of a mile trail around this park, which is what I walked in search of a longer trail. When none was found, I headed down from the top tier of the park to the lower area, then back west on Pathfinder.

To get to the trailhead, take the Pomona Freeway (CA-60) to Fullerton Road. Go south on Fullerton just about two miles, to Pathfinder Road. I made a left turn at Pathfinder, and turned eventually went into the park entrance, about 1/3 of a mile from the corner. However, if you are interested in hiking, there are also several alternate parking locations off of Fullerton Road, with several alternate trail access points.

Most of the walking I did on Monday would be on the trail map linked here. At the far right end of the map, where the trail intersects with Fullerton, is near where I started. Pathfinder Road is not on that map. The name change from Fullerton to Harbor is also not on the map.
From Pathfinder Park, I headed down to the lower tier of the park, then west on Pathfinder, to my "real" trailhead for the day.

After a brisk climb that puts you above the backyards of folks in Rowland Heights, you keep climbing and trending to the west. Your views are largely confined to the north, however, as you never really reach a ridge to see to the south.

A right turn at the junction would keep you on the Schabarum Trail Extension, and lead you into Schabarum Park. Or, if I were feeling more ambitious and it were earlier, I could head right, then catch the Schabarum Trail westbound and make a very large loop of the day. However, this was an after work hike and I was not dressed to make a serious exertion very comfortable. So, instead, I made a left turn at the bottom of the hill, along a broad dirt road that was, nonetheless, not signed or labeled at the junction.

After 4/10ths of a mile up a fair incline, I reached the junction with the Purple Sage Trail. That's the way I had gone on a previous hike, though I have to admit it did look very different and somewhat unfamiliar when viewed from the opposite direction.

From here, things did look very familiar as I sped down towards my car. The map says it's 1/2 mile to the horse exercise area and parking lot, then 12/100ths of a mile from there to the Nogales trail, then a similar distance to narrow Fullerton Road.

That means about 4.1 miles for my loop from the corner of Pathfinder and Fullerton and back again, 1/2 mile looping around Pathfinder Park, and about 1/2 mile each way between the park and my trailhead, for slightly over 5 miles for the day.
Plenty of mustard and radish are still blooming, though there are probably more seed pods than flowers on the radish. Thistle are still growing. Ladybugs were common on the thistle. I saw one "woolly bugger" on a piece of grass early on my hike. I also saw some lupine, a scattering of morning glory, a moth mullein, and a few other species I didn't know.
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