The jury waiting room has wi-fi, so here I sit, blogging, trying to catch up on my hike write-ups.
Chino Hills State Park is located in northern Orange County, not far from either Los Angeles County or San Bernardino County. It's got rolling hills, not too different from the Puente Hills. Except it's bigger, has a lower density of development around it, and has fewer high tension power lines. Unfortunately, the park is officially open only Friday through Monday.

To get to the trail head, I took Imperial Highway east from I-5 (the Santa Ana Freeway). I made a left (north) turn at Harbor Blvd (about 9 miles east of I-5), went a block, then made a right on Lambert Road. From there, it's about three miles to CA-57 (the Orange Freeway). About two more miles later, Lambert Road changes name to Carbon Canyon Blvd. About a mile after that, you'll reach the "Discovery Center" for Chino Hills State Park, on your right. It's right after passing Carbon Canyon Regional (County) Park.

The last time I was in the area, the Discovery Center was still under construction, and there was no trail access from the west.

I picked up a map of the park. Because my previous hiking in the park was from a residential access point, I didn't get a map that time. I had to rely on what I found on-line.

[Posted the five shots I was going to use to illustrate this hike, but my post is way longer. Guess I'll need to add more. These are not going to be in the order I took them]

Parking in Carbon Canyon Park is $3 on weekdays and $5 on weekends. Parking at the Discovery Center is $5, although, since I had the California Parks Foundation passes, it was "free" for me.

As I climbed, I could look back at the parking area and Carbon Canyon Park, to the west. To the north, I saw several trails, though I'm not sure if they are "official" trails. Some of that area is part of Chino Hills ?State Park, while other parts are not. The Olinda Trail I mentioned in one of my linked posts above would have been just a bit to the west, within those northern hills.

The walk was kind of warm today, and I think warm weather is pretty typical this far inland. It was starting to cool, but it wasn't cool, yet. Given the steepness, it probably wouldn't be great for younger kids. They'd probably enjoy the Telegraph Canyon trail more.
[Wow, nice wi-fi here in the juror waiting room. My pictures uploaded way faster than with my useless DSL at home. For the amount I'm paying for DSL, I'm giving serious consideration to dumping that for wireless 4g wi-fi.]
Anyway, I turned around after about two miles and returned the way I came. Made it back to the car about 20 till 7pm.
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