Hiked Sunday, August 21. Short hike Sunday afternoon, after spending a few hours elsewhere in the park (that'll be in the next post).
On the linked map, I started right around where that "8" is, and headed east, under the bridge. Then it was south, past the "6" junction, and then a right turn at the "5" junction. Over to the "10," then up past the "9" and back to the car. Three miles, according to the map.
I think I picked up a mild case of poison ivy exposure. I know I had to walk through some, on a section of trail that was overgrown. I'm not sure, but I think even though the junction had very clear "B" letters on both sides of the trail, there was also a "Wrong Way" sign at the start of my trip on that segment. Since I actually walked on the last bit of "B" segment on my last trip (inadvertently), I should have crossed paths, but did not. Apparently, they rerouted that segment a few hundred feet to the south. But the old junction signs make it unclear to whom the "Wrong Way" is aimed. Is it for people seeking the "B" trail, or for those tring to stay on the main Canal Loop trail? I'm starting to think the former. But, not knowing any better, that's the way I walked. After a bit, that trail (which also had some very recently weed-wacked areas) became impassable without at least brushing the encroaching poison ivy.
Despite the rash (only up to where my boot socks covered my ankle--very odd), the itch hasn't been bad, so I'm thinking it was a pretty mild exposure. Or it could be a reaction to DEET, which I also sprayed on my boots and over my socks? I'm not sure.
We Finally Return to Marble Canyon | Following Giants #1
It was on the final night of our very first trip to Death Valley that we
rushed through Cottonwood and Marble canyons, and we haven't been back
since. It w...
3 days ago
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